I thought it might be useful information for every new mom. My life has changed forever after I labored my little precious. I never have enough sleep any more but that is not a problem because I happy to take care my baby during the night and do some house shore at the day time while holding baby on my chest. Plus, I need to manage my emotional with hormone change for post pregnancy. I make sure that I active and energy while my baby explore everything around her every single day pass. Everything look busy at all time so believe me whenever you have time or baby sleeping, I suggest, please take some nap for stay in good health. I got better after 2 months and we learn to get to know each other a lot better. Mommy is mean so much for me and I will do everything I can to make my baby happy.
After I research from so many sources and confirm with pediatrician, I decided to start solid food for my baby when she turn four and a half month old. We got long lists of fruits and vegetables that she can start. Guess! What is her first solid food? …… “BANANA!” …… I started with banana because banana has many vitamins, it soft and easy to mash. She did not have any tooth yet when I start. So, I mashed banana and mixed with breast milk. She ate two bites for the first day. That was really good sign. Then I start more bites for second and third day. I add more bites little by little and the first week she did really good with banana. However, you might need to watch how your baby react after fed her solid food because some of baby might get food allergy.
After she start her solid food for the first week, I see some change from her poop color. It will have some black pieces look like worms that is because baby stomach still developing and cannot digest banana properly. When that happen for the first time, I feel really worry and concern if she ok. I took her to pediatrician just to keep me peach of mind. 🙂
Now, my baby is 7 months old and she has 2 teeth came up. She eat 2 times a day, around 10 A.M. and 4 P.M. everyday. She can eat broccoli, carrot, rice, blueberry, and avocado. I usually not feed her the same thing everyday because she bored or she eat less if I feed her the same thing for 2 to 3 days. Another, don’t forget to give her some water after she finished eat solid food.
The Perfect Baby Bib – Rose Pink The Perfect Burp Cloth
Don’t forget to get bib for your little lemon! It handmade and I use the best quality cotton yarn. It is a perfect gift for teething baby. Easy to use and baby love! “The Perfect Baby Bib – Rose Pink“ and matching with “The Perfect Burp Cloth“
Design to easy to use with baby. My baby is very active infant and I need to do every quick, put cloth on quick, put socks on quick, put bib on quick, etc. I put this bib over her head really quick and it stay there until the bib get wet. Then I change to another clean one. She dew a lot when her tooth coming out. It usually make her cloth wet. So, I design this bib to use for my baby.
We have 4 more colors as same the style in hot blue, lemon, blue jean, and potpourri colors
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