I have passion of “never stop of be looking good”. When I saw my picture before pregnancy and after post pregnancy, I used to feel really bad that all my clothes cannot wear. My cloth size was extra small before I pregnant. After I labor baby for 2-3 months, I still cannot be able to wear my extra small size. I have no choice but to wear maternity clothes for awhile. One day, I went to book store for my baby stories time, and I walked pass the magazine section and I start to pick one magazine, thinking I should update trend. On the magazine, models all look good and that magazine became my inspiration to change myself to be happy and can be able to wear my extra small size again. I start to eat healthy food and drink lemon juice with warm water every morning. After 1 month and a half, I am be able to go back to same weight before I pregnant and I can wear all my clothes again.
Inspiration is every where!
It is Summer Sunday! I chose 3/4 sleeves white top with red pencil style skirt while my daughter wear pink-white strips dress. I use white bow for her hair and matching white shoes. This outfit looks chic with the red skirt and it good for any day out or even special date night with my husband.

Source of Mama Outfit:
- Top from Banana Republic
- Skirt from Uniqlo
- Bracelet from Chloe & Isabel
Source of Baby Outfit:
- Dress from Ele Story
- Shoes from RoBeez