This menu is super easy to prepare even my next door neighbor can prepare this menu for her party in just a few minutes. Inspiring healthy menu ideas that great for small size party if you volunteer to host small talk to your best friend. All plant based and 100 percents, your party’s member will enjoy the menu.

The caprese bites always made fresh and quick whenever you need them, plus they taste real whole food from earth, less process, healthy menu, full of nutritions and they will give you worry free of constipation or others health issues.
Menu Ingredients Serving Individual
- Fresh Mozzarella
- Tomato
- Toasted Bacon is optional (if you prefer 100% vegan then skip this ingredients, however, if you prefer some a little proteins then you can choose as your desire such as; smoked salmon, prosciutto, or very thin slice of pepperoni)
- Sweet Basil Leaves
- Balsamic Vinegar
- Olive Oil
- Salt and Ground Black Pepper to taste
*Note: I didn’t add any measurements of how much you need due to this menu serving individual bite size which mean that you can use as many of ingredients you would like to use to fit your party sizes.
- In a round big serving place, sliced Romain tomatoes into about 1 inch size then place fresh mozzarella slices over the tomato.
- Place toasted bacons over the fresh mozzarellas then added a fresh sweet basil leave over.
- Then sprinkle some salt and ground black pepper, olive oil over the caprese bites then just a little shake of balsamic vinegar over. And . . . ready to serve + enjoy the party.
Serving hot Oolong tea and hummus dipping with fresh vegetables will go well with this Caprese Bites as well. I hope this party menu will inspired you to stay healthy even though you are host the party.