Reading books while baby still in the womb is not uncommon. I think it might be good for baby to hear my voice and remember the sound of A, B, C and so on. It’s actually helping for her brain development as well.
I called this time as “story time”. It begin when I was 24 weeks pregnant, I read lots of books about pregnancy due to it was my first pregnancy and have so many questions about body changes and baby development inside my womb. I felt relieve with some of million questions I have in my mind after I read pregnancy books. Why I need so many books because one book won’t answer many questions I have, I started to read more to see what others books talking about. So, I was get in and out the books store many time. After I walk around the store and walked pass the children section and it was on sale and I thought maybe I should get some now and more later. I started to read it on my own to see what on the baby books that night and went to bed. Next day, I read a book named “A Little Green Frog” and speak out loud while I read. My baby started to move while I was reading for her. She response and hear my story time I read for her. I think it was some thing fun to do with your future child and some practice activity that I will do with her after she born. I love read books and I also want she to love reading books as well. So, I keep doing it as part of my everyday routine life, before bed I will read one book for her.

“Don’t have high expect for the outcome but as long as I do it my best, one day she will appreciate my work that I have done for her.”
Referring to some of pregnancy books I have read, they state that baby ears after 16 weeks will be full-term of development. She can still hear my voice and reading for her actually help her develop more and improve her ear with voice and sound. She will recognize which voice is mom or dad.
The story time I do with her every night remind me of my grandpa when he told me some storytelling. He was born before World War II and he like to tell some story when things happened before I born. He was not only tell me story but also teaching me to become a good person at the same time. Some stories he told me was fun, scary or good stories that I have kept in the bottom of my heart that I never forget until now.
Book Stores Suggestions
Many stores have lots of books for baby but you might need to should the best one for your little one. I think stories matter for baby who still learning the world, what you read that is what your baby will be. I were lucky that I got some of baby books from a wholesale book store that the price was on big sale. So, I got couple from there. Another book store like Barn & Nobel is a great place to get some books there. I have a membership, so I got member discounts when I buy books from there. You can find some of baby books from used book store as well and the price there usually 20% – 50% off depend on the condition of the book. I would say that most book there at used book stores are in good condition and good stories. Another place, I can think of is “Goodwill” that you might find some good baby books there as well.